Moonoo Ministries is a Spirit Filled, Full Gospel ministry sent forth to encourage and equip the body of Christ.

Since 1995 we have followed the mandate of "building the kingdom" through pouring into the local church. Encouraging pastors, training leaders, teaching the Word and ministering the gifts of the Spirit is at the forefront of our mission.

Our hearts desire is seeing lives changed by the teaching of the Word and by the power of the Holy Ghost. We believe that every member of the Body of Christ has a purpose and a calling to increase the kingdom and we desire to help them discover their purpose.

For over 20 years we have been teaching the Word of God with simplicity and understanding with signs, wonders and miracles confirming the Word. From Europe to Central America and all across the United States we have had the honor of serving the local church.


We are a very diverse ministry. We teach in bible schools and colleges, conferences and seminars, and in local churches. We have passion for the rural small town church’s and pastors. We also have a missions outreach to the nation of Belize.

Gospel/ miracle crusades, youth camps, Faith conferences, ministry of helps seminars, healing seminars, debt freedom seminars, and national men’s conferences are just a few of our recent meetings in addition to church meetings.